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Price Points API

API Description

Price Points API allows merchants to retrieve the list of price points available for a project in a specific country and for a specific payment method.

This API can be activated for your Paymentwall Merchant Account by request. To activate it please email us at

API Endpoint

Request Method


Request Parameters

parameter required description
country_code yes Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format
currency_converted no Currency code (in ISO 4217 format) to be used for converting the price point amounts from local currencies to the converted currency
key yes Project key
ps yes Shortcode of the payment method to show price points for. Currently only mobiamo is supported.
sign_version yes Signature version
sign yes Request signature. Please refer to Signature Calculation for more details

Request Sample[PROJECT_KEY]&country_code=AU&currency_converted=USD&ps=mobiamo&sign_version=2&sign=[SIGNATURE]

Response Sample

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