Paymentwall MINT Reseller API§
This RESTful API allows you to become an official reseller of MINT ePINs! With this API, MINT ePin's will be generated automatically for distribution. The MINT Reseller API will provide you with a powerful tool for product monetization, promotional campaigns and helping you earn more money.
All generated MINT ePIN's can be redeemed at any Paymentwall payment platform which includes over 36,000 merchants. Also MINT Reseller API gives you the flexibility to generate ePIN's for specific projects allowing you to help run promotions with certain projects.
To sign-up as an official reseller or get more information about MINT, please email us at
Error codes§
- -32000 = 'Authentication error'
- -32001 = 'Partner type not exists'
- -32002 = 'Login failure rate exceeded'
- -32003 = 'Requested method not exists'
- -32004 = 'Method unsuccessful'
- -32005 = 'Current API not allowed for type'
- -32006 = 'Invalid requested params'
- -32007 = 'Invalid API version'
- -32008 = 'Sign Up failed please try again'
- -32009 = 'Application is absent or not correct.'
- -32010 = 'Token is not valid.'
- -32011 = 'Please, provide correct timestamp.'
- -32012 = 'Signature is empty or not correct.'
HTTP Error codes§
- 200 - Request OK
- 201 - Resource created
- 401 - Unauthorized request
- 402 - Failed request
- 403 - Forbidden
- 404 - Resource was not found
- 405 - Method not allowed
- 415 - Unsupported media type
- 422 - Unprocessable entity
- 429 - Too many requests
- 50x - Paymentwall server error
In case of an error, Paymentwall responds back with 4xx HTTP Response Status Codes. For example, error 4007 (API key is invalid) is sent back with 401 status code. In order to fetch the response body for error object, please make sure your application is able to read response body for requests that return 4xx status code.
Required params§
Parameter | Description |
auth[key] | string your public key from |
auth[timestamp] | int current UNIX time |
auth[sign] | string calculated signature |
Signature alghorytm§
md5(auth[key] . auth[timestamp] . implode('', params) . [YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY])
Generate ePIN§
- Type: POST
- URL for MINT App:
- URL for MINT Reseller:
Parameter | Description |
params[serviceId] | int service to generate [0 by default] |
params[currencyCode] | string ISO 4217 currency code |
params[ePinNominalValue] | int value of PIN code |
params[ePinsCount] | int quantity of pins to generate. [1 by default] |
params[countryCode] | string ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country |
params[activationRequired] | int [1/0] If [1] presents, it generates Inactive ePins. If [0] or not enter, it generates Active ePins |
params[test] | int [1/0] if present, you will receive one of test keys to verify response. No balance checks or real charges being applied |
Response example§
"success": true,
"data": [
"pin_id": 1,
"pin_code": "0000 0000 0000 0000",
"pin_time_expired": 1451386055,
"pin_generated_time": 1419850055,
"pin_nominal_value": "1.0000",
"cu_code": "USD",
"cu_id": 1,
"pin_tr_amount": "1.0000"
"pin_id": 2,
"pin_code": "0000 0000 0000 0000",
"pin_time_expired": 1451386055,
"pin_generated_time": 1419850055,
"pin_nominal_value": "1.0000",
"cu_code": "USD",
"cu_id": 1,
"pin_tr_amount": "1.0000"
Error Codes§
- 1 - Service access error
- 2 - Epin generate error
- 3 - not enough money on main account
- 4 - please check epin amount
- 5 - epin amount should not be less than (amount)
- 6 - wrong epin data
- 7 - wrong currency
- 8 - service cannot be loaded
- 9 - no access to given currency
- 10 - you exceed limited balance to generate codes
Get available balances§
- Type: GET
- URL:
Response example§
"success": true,
"data": [
"cu_code": "USD",
"balance_amount": "9944.0655"
"cu_code": "UAH",
"balance_amount": "0.0000"
Get balance§
- Type: GET
- URL:
Response example§
"success": true,
"data": {
"cu_code": "USD",
"balance_amount": "9944.0655"
MINT Redemption API§
Allows you to redeem a MINT ePin.
This API is activated by request. To activate it please email us at
Request Method§
Request Parameters§
Parameter | Description |
amount | - amount of money to pay |
currency | - currency code in ISO 4217 standard |
epin | - array containing the list of ePin's to redeem. At the moment it is only possible to redeem one ePin at a time |
app_key | - project key |
user_id | - user identifier |
Request Sample§
"amount" : 10.00,
"app_key" : "32a13829f2635187",
"currency" : "USD",
"epin" : [ "1111111111111111" ],
"user_id" : "12345"
Response Samples§
Payment Successful
"change_amount" : 0.12, //amount of money left on the used ePin
"change_currency" : "USD", //ePin currency code in ISO 4217 standard
"success" : 1 //1 if payment is successful
Payment Failed
"success" : 0, //0 if payment failed
"error_code" : 5000, //error code
"error_message" : "Error description", //message describing the error
Error Codes§
- 1001 - General internal error
- 1002 - Application not loaded
- 1003 - User banned
- 2001 - Empty E-Pin
- 2002 - Empty project key
- 2003 - Wrong amount
- 2004 - Wrong currency
- 2005 - Epin is not array
- 2006 - Empty user id
- 3001 - Mint is not activated for this project
- 3002 - Epin expired
- 3003 - Epin is not activated
- 3004 - Epin duplicate
- 3005 - Epin is not available for this application
- 3006 - Epin is invalid
- 3007 - Only one epin is allowed
- 3008 - Epin tracking failure
- 3009 - Epin insufficient funds
- 4001 - Maximum attempts exceeded