Brick Android SDK
Android 2.2 (API Level 8) and above
Integration steps:
Our SDK can be integrated just in a few quick and easy steps. See how simple it is:
1. As the SDK is delievered as a JAR package, just drop it into your project under libs folder
2. Add following permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
3. Import class
import com.paymentwall.sdk.brick.Brick;
import com.paymentwall.sdk.brick.BrickCard;
import com.paymentwall.sdk.brick.BrickError;
import com.paymentwall.sdk.brick.BrickToken;
4. Create and validate a card
Just create a new BrickCard object with required parameters as below. This object will store card details and also help you to validate it:
BrickCard brickCard = new BrickCard(CARD_NUMBER, EXP_MONTH, EXP_YEAR, CVV);
Our SDK supports 2- and 4-digits format of expiration year field, so you can use the most convenient format for you.
brickCard = new BrickCard("4242424242424242", "11", "2016", "123");
brickCard = new BrickCard("4242424242424242", "11", "16", "123");
BrickCard help you to validate each field or validate all the card details at once:
//or launch all the validations at once
5. Creating the one-time token
To create a one-time token base on the BrickCard object, you need to create an instance of Brick and provide your public key. Then just call createToken()
method giving it previosly created BrickCard and finally handle the callback function.
We support Asynchronous and Synchronous call to retrieve the token
Asynchronous method
In case of succesfull token creating, the BrickToken object will be returned to onBrickSuccess callback function so you can get its details. You should then send the token to your backend and complete the payment using our Brick API.
Otherwise use BrickError object from onBrickError method to get error message if something went wrong.
Brick.createToken(context, PUBLIC_KEY, brickCard, new Brick.Callback() {
public void onBrickSuccess(BrickToken brickToken) {
public void onBrickError(BrickError error) {
Synchronous method
This method returns BrickToken if the token creation is successful or throws BrickError if it's failed.
try {
BrickToken brickToken = Brick.createToken(PUBLIC_KEY, brickCard);
} catch (BrickError brickError) {
Getting the token
String token = brickToken.getToken();
BrickError is an exception thrown from the token creation process. Error kind can be get via:
BrickError.Kind errorKind = brickError.getKind();
There are different error kinds:
Kind | Reason |
Kind.INVALID | Cannot pass pre-check process due to invalid card info or invalid public key |
Kind.NETWORK | Network error, ie: cannot connect to Paymentwall system, the internet connection is not available |
Kind.HTTP | The library is outdated or Paymentwall system is facing some problems |
Kind.REJECTED | Token creation is rejected due to invalid card info or public key |
Kind.SERVER | Paymentwall system is facing some problems |
Kind.UNEXPECTED | There are some problems with the device. Should crash the app. |
When the error kind is Kind.REJECTED, a detailed response is also attached and can be retrieved via
if(brickError.getKind() == BrickError.Kind.REJECTED) {
BrickResponse brickResponse = brickError.getResponse();
String errorCode = brickResponse.getCode();
String errorMessage = brickResponse.getError();
String errorType = brickResponse.getType();
The errorCode is explained in Brick Document