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Smart TV SDK§

SDK Description§

This SDK allows merchants to accept payments on Smart TVs using PW Smart TV Payments product.

Installing the SDK into your app§

Add the following line into your application HTML file:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


Make sure that "Evaluation Mode" is ON in your project's settings:


Initialization constructor takes a JSON object as parameter:

Parameter Required Possible values Description
details Yes JSON object JSON object for configuring the SDK

details JSON object parameters:

Parameter Required Possible values Description
key Yes hexadecimal, 32 characters long Your Project Key (for live payments) or Brick Test Keys (for tests and development)
countryCode No ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country Country code in ISO alpha-2 format (e.g. "KR" or "JP")
containerId No string ID of the DOM element to append Smart TV form to specific place in the app (e.g. id of the div element)
lang No ISO 639-1 ISO 2 Letter code of the language to localize the payment form. (e.g. "KO" or "JA")
gaWebPropertyId No string Web property ID listed in the management interface within Google Analytics (only if you use it)
brand no lgtv, samsung, toshiba, philips, panasonic You can use this parameter to specify a special landing page for payments depending on customer's TV set brand


    key: 'YOUR_PROJECT_KEY',
    countryCode: 'US',
    containerId: 'my-div',
    lang: 'en',
    gaWebPropertyId: 'UA-XXXX-Y',
    brand: 'lgtv'

If the library is loaded asynchronously use the callback method below to know when SDK has been fully loaded.


// Asynchronous initialization
window.PWSmartGatewayOnLoadedCallback = function() {
        key: 'YOUR_PROJECT_KEY',
        countryCode: 'US',
        containerId: 'my-div',
        lang: 'en',
        gaWebPropertyId: 'UA-XXXX-Y'
        brand: 'lgtv'

Display the payment widget§

After initializing the SDK, use the method showPaymentForm() below to show the payment widget. If you did not specify a containerId in the step above, the widget will show itself inside the body HTML tag automatically.

PWSmartGateway.showPaymentForm(value, function() { ... }, function() { ... });
Parameter Required Possible values Description
value Yes JSON object JSON object with transaction details (see details below)
function() { } No function body Transaction successful callback function. Deliver goods for customer in this function
function() { } No function body Transaction failed callback function. Show error message.

value JSON object parameters:

Parameter Required Possible values Description
productId Yes alphanumeric, up to 256 characters long Alphanumeric ID of the product in your system
productName No alphanumeric, up to 256 characters long Product name
currency No ISO 4217 Currency of the purchase, e.g. USD, EUR
amount No numeric, with "." as decimal delimiter Amount of the purchase, e.g. 10.00
period Yes if subscription "day" / "week" / "month" / "year" Type of product period.
duration Yes if subscription numeric Length of product period, e.g. 3.
userID No alphanumeric, up to 64 characters long ID of the end-user in your system who is viewing the widget. Examples: numeric ID, username or email. (By default SDK uses device ID)
onExit No function() Optional callback on user exiting the payment window, e.g. after a successful payment
showBackButton No boolean Show 'Back' button on payment form.
enablePaymentRecoverFlow No boolean Enable 'Recover My Payment' flow.
titles No JSON Custom headings: {'buyHeading': 'Subscribe to #product', 'buyHeadingRecurring': '#price per #period'}


// 2 months subscription
        productId: 'Order_2044',
        productName: '2 month subscription',
        currency: 'USD', 
        amount: '9.99', 
        period: 'month',
        duration: 2,
        userId: 'test_user_2', 
        onExit: function() {},
        showBackButton: true,
        enablePaymentRecoverFlow: true,
        titles: {'buyHeading': 'Subscribe to #product', 'buyHeadingRecurring': '#price per #period'}
    function() {
        alert('Payment Success'); // callback on success
    function (error) {
        alert('Payment Failure'); // callback on failure

// fixed product (no subscription)
        productId: 'Order_2045',
        productName: '5000 Gold Coins',
        currency: 'USD', 
        amount: '9.99',
        userId: 'test_user_2', 
        onExit: function() {},
        showBackButton: true,
        enablePaymentRecoverFlow: true,
        titles: {'buyHeading': 'Subscribe to #product', 'buyHeadingRecurring': '#price per #period'}
    function() {
        alert('Payment Success'); // callback on success
    function (error) {
        alert('Payment Failure'); // callback on failure

Hide alternative payment methods in the widget§

If you want to hide alternative payment methods in the widget you need to pass that parameter: hidePaymentMethods:true

It is also possible to configure products directly in your Project's settings (in your PW Merchant Area) and make a simplified SDK call.

Product configured in project:


        productId: 'test sku', // SKU ID of the product inside your project's products
    function() {
        alert('Payment Success'); // callback on success
    function (error) {
        alert('Payment Failure'); // callback on failure


Once you make the showPaymentForm() call successfully, the expected result is to see the payment form in screen: Widget

Payment Error§

Error messages are displayed automatically on the widget for the end user.

Check payment status§

If you would like to first check if the product has already been purchased, you can use checkPaymentStatus() method:

PWSmartGateway.checkPaymentStatus(value, function() { ... }, function() { ... });
Parameter Required Possible values Description
value Yes JSON object JSON object with transaction details (see details below)
function() { ... } No function Success callback function
function() { ... } No function Error callback function

JSON object parameters:

Parameter Required Possible values Description
productId Yes alphanumeric, up to 256 characters long Alphanumeric ID of the product
userID Yes alphanumeric, up to 64 characters long ID of the end-user in your system who is viewing the widget. Examples: numeric ID, username or email

If a payment is found using the provided parameters, the success callback receives an array containing JSON objects for each payment found. Please refer here for more details about the response JSON objects. If no payment is found, error callback is triggered.

        productId: 'Order_2044', // Product SKU ID
        userId: 'test_user_2'    // ID of the user. By default SDK uses device ID
    function (response) {
        // callback on success
        // refer to for response format
    function (response) { // No payment found, show payment form so customer can purchase
                productId: 'Order_2044', // Required. Merchant's product SKU ID
                productName: 'Test Key', // Optional. By default pulled by SKU ID from Products section of Merchant Area
                currency: 'USD',         // Optional. By default pulled by SKU ID from Products section of Merchant Area
                amount: '9.99',          // Optional. By default pulled by SKU ID from Products section of Merchant Area
                userId: 'test_user_2'    // Optional. ID of the user. By default SDK uses device ID
            function() {
                alert('success'); // callback on success
            function (error) {
                alert('failure'); // callback on failure

Subscription management§

To cancel a user's subscription, you can show the cancellation form to the end-user using the following method:

PWSmartGateway.showCancelSubscriptionForm(value, function() { ... }, function() { ... });
Parameter Required Possible values Description
value Yes JSON object JSON object with subscription's details (see details below)
function() { ... } No function body Success callback function
function() { ... } No function body Error callback function

JSON object parameters:

Parameter Required Possible values Description
productId Yes alphanumeric, up to 256 characters long Alphanumeric ID of the product
userID Yes alphanumeric, up to 64 characters long ID of the end-user in your system who is viewing the widget. Examples: numeric ID, username or email


        productId: 'product_sku_id',
        userId: 'test_user_2'
    function (response) {
        // callback on success
    function (response) { 
        // callback on failure

Error handling§

Third parameter of PWSmartGateway.showPaymentForm is failure callback. It accepts error object of the following format:

  message:"Product is not found"

Possible error codes:

  • 1000 - User cancelled the payment process.
  • 1001 - Product is not found. Check the product SKU ID, or provide product name, amount and currency

Pingback Processing§

Pingbacks are server-to-server messages that Paymentwall triggers whenever a payment is approved or declined. Implementing pingbacks is required in order to have your project approved. Please refer to Digital Goods API pingbacks to learn about implementation.

Going live§

After you finish the integration, you should submit your project for review in your merchant area by clicking the button next to it:

Project Review

Make sure you finished all steps in the Integration Checklist that pops up when you submit your project for review: Checklist

After that, Paymentwall Integration and Compliance team will reach out to you (through Inquiries section in Merchant Area) in order to approve your project and pushing it LIVE.

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