Paymentwall Bridge OAuth API§
Paymentwall Bridge OAuth 2.0 allows platforms and modules to easily connect (create) accounts of your customers and accept payments in just 5 minutes. This tutorial is for platform application. For registration as platform please write:
How Paymentwall Bridge Works§
Paymentwall Bridge is based on OAuth 2.0. For additional information please read the official OAuth 2.0 tutorial here:
A few steps:
- On a page at your website you include Paymentwall’s “Authorize via PW Account” button with your custom client_id which tracks the user’s click.
- On Paymentwall’s website, the user can approve access to their account.
- Once user approves access to their account they will be redirected back to your website (based on redirect_uri param) with code parameter.
- Then, make a request to Paymentwall Oauth 2.0 server with that code.
- You will receive the access_token.
OAuth 2.0 Flow Diagram§
- User Authorization Request
- User Authorizes Application
- Authorization Code Grant
- Access Token Request
- Access Token Grant
1. Authorization URL§
Generate this link for initialize OAuth 2.0 process: End point:
Sample Link,merchant.application.get,merchant.application.update,merchant.application.create&state=206c80413b9a96c1312cc346b7d2517b84463edd
Response Parameters:
Parameter | Example | Description |
response_type | code | |
client_id | 246921bdb35e8de871c206f8710b6c4d | Your platform identification. Generated by Paymentwall. You can get it after registration as Platform. |
redirect_uri | | Your Oauth landing page. |
scope |,merchant.application.get,merchant.application.update,merchant.application.create | Your requested scope. |
state | 206c80413b9a96c1312cc346b7d2517b84463edd | Some random string for prevent CSRF attacks. Will be returned back with code to your Oauth landing page. |
Sample PHP code: The example below uses PHP League's OAuth2 Client
// Construct the OAuth Client provider
$provider = new \League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\GenericProvider([
'clientId' => 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY', // project key
'redirectUri' => 'YOUR_REDIRECT_URL', // the URL where the user will be redirected after logging in
'urlAuthorize' => '',
'urlAccessToken' => '',
'urlResourceOwnerDetails' => '',
'scopes' => 'default,,merchant.application.get,merchant.application.update,merchant.application.create'
$authorizationUrl = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl();
// Get the state generated for you and store it to the session.
$_SESSION['oauth2state'] = $provider->getState();
Showing the button. This will redirect the user to Paymentwall's authorization page.
<a href="<?php echo $authorizationUrl; ?>"><button>Login with PW Account</button></a>
2. Approval Page§
Once user clicks on Paymentwall’s “Authorize via PW Account” Button. They will be redirected to Paymentwall approval page or alternatively to a login page.

3. Authorization Code§
Once the user approves access to their account, we redirect them back to your site with authorize code based on your redirect_uri which was in first step.
Example URL:
In this case, params:
Parameter | Short name | Description |
---|---|---| | redirect URL | URL, which was declared at first step. |
code=0b422057958e163c8e9b00569b05982548d44157 | authorize code | Random generated by Paymentwall code, which allow get access_token (fourth step). |
state=206c80413b9a96c1312cc346b7d2517b84463edd | state | CSRF prevention parameter. For more information we suggest read this article: |
*All parameters are required.
4. Access Token Request§
Once you receive code parameter you ready to request access_token.
Parameter | Description |
code | Code, that you receive, at third step. |
client_id | Your platform identification. Generated by Paymentwall. You can get it after registration as Platform. |
client_secret | You secret key. Generated by Paymentwall. You can get it after registration as Platform. |
redirect_uri | Same uri, as it was at first step. |
All parameters are required.
Sample Request:
curl \
-d "code=0b422057958e163c8e9b00569b05982548d44157" \
-d "client_id=246921bdb35e8de871c206f8710b6c4d" \
-d "client_secret=d7732ffeca64be8e67628e35240357b1" \
-d "redirect_uri="
Sample PHP code: The example below uses PHP League's OAuth2 Client
// Construct the OAuth Client provider
$provider = new \League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\GenericProvider([
'clientId' => 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY', // project key
'redirectUri' => 'YOUR_REDIRECT_URL', // the URL where the user will be redirected after logging in
'urlAuthorize' => '',
'urlAccessToken' => '',
'urlResourceOwnerDetails' => '',
'scopes' => 'default,,merchant.application.get,merchant.application.update,merchant.application.create'
// Generate the token
$accessToken = $provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code', [
'code' => $_GET['code'],
'resource_owner_id' => 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY',
'client_secret' => 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
'redirect_uri' => 'YOUR_REDIRECT_URL'
// Store the token, in this case, it is stored in the session
$_SESSION['token'] = $accessToken->getToken();
// You can refresh the token like so:
5. Access Token Grant§
If everything is correct, you’ll receive a response like this:
"access_token" : "0e9d02499fe06762ecaafb9cfbb506676631dcfd",
"expires_in" : 3600,
"token_type" : "bearer",
"scope" : ",merchant.application.get,merchant.application.update,merchant.application.create"
Parameter | Description |
access_token | Your "key" to API requests. |
expires_in | Count of seconds to token expire. |
token_type | |
scope | Your access scope. |
API Basics§
Once you get access_token you are ready to use Paymentwall API and manipulate with end-user accounts.
API - PWAccount§
PWAccount is a like main hub. Merchant, user, advertiser and other types of accounts based on PWAccount (Paymentwall Account).
- default — allows you to get pwaccount id, this ID is static user identificator
- — allows to get PWAccount email
- pwaccount.personal_data.get — allows to get PWAccount personal data (first_name, last_name, phone)
Get PWAccount§
API Endpoint:
Method: GET
Sample Request:
curl \
-d "access_token=0b422057958e163c8e9b00569b05982548d44157" \
-d "version=1"
Sample Response (default scope):
"pwaccount_id" : 123
Sample Response (default + scope):
"pwaccount_id" : 123,
"email" : ""
Sample Response (default + + pwaccount.personal_data.get scope):
"pwaccount_id" : 123,
"email" : "",
"first_name" : "John",
"last_name" : "Doe"
API - Merchant§
- merchant.application.get — read only merchant applications
- merchant.application.create — allows creation of merchant applications
- merchant.application.update — allows updating of current merchant applications
Get list of Projects§
API Endpoint:
Method: GET
Sample Request:
curl \
-d "access_token=0b422057958e163c8e9b00569b05982548d44157" \
-d "version=1"
Sample Response:
"name":"ACME Store 1",
"name":"ACME Store 2",
Get Project§
API Endpoint:
Method: GET
Sample Request:
curl \
-d "access_token=0b422057958e163c8e9b00569b05982548d44157" \
-d "version=1"
Sample Response:
"name":"ACME Store",
Sample PHP code:
// Using Guzzle PHP HTTP client
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$res = $client->get('', [
'query' => [
'access_token' => $_SESSION['token'], //the token that was stored previously
'version' => '1'
Create Project§
API Endpoint:
Method: POST
Green fields — required
Name | Example | Description |
name | My Favorite Project | String, name of merchant project |
url | | URL to merchant project |
pinback_url | | To learn more about integrating Pingbacks, refer to the Getting Started page. |
source | custom-source | Create application based on Paymentwall pre-defined source settings (contact |
evaluation_mode | |
Sample Request:
curl \
-d "access_token=0b422057958e163c8e9b00569b05982548d44157" \
-d "version=1" \
-d "name=My Favorite Project" \
-d "url=" \
-d "pinback_url="
// Using Guzzle PHP HTTP client
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$res = $client->post('', [
'form_params' => [
'access_token' => $_SESSION['token'], // the token that was stored in step 2
'version' => 1,
'name' => 'Name of My Project', //the name of your new project
'url' => '', //URL of your new project
'pingback_url' => '' // Pingback URL of your new project
//Store the Project key and Secret Key
$body = json_decode($res->getBody());
$projectKey = $body->key;
$secretKey = $body->secret;
Sample Response:
"name":"ACME Store",
Update Project§
API Endpoint:
Method: PUT
Name | Example | Description |
name | My Favorite Project | String, name of merchant project |
url | | URL to merchant project |
pinback_url | | To learn more about integrating Pingbacks, refer to the Getting Started page. |
source | custom-source | Create application based on Paymentwall pre-defined source settings (contact |
evaluation_mode | | |
api_type | 2 | Type of API: digital goods, virtual currency, cart. Same as in |
notify_email | | Email for notification |
Sample Request:
curl \
-d "access_token=0b422057958e163c8e9b00569b05982548d44157" \
-d "version=1" \
-d "name=ACME store"
Sample Response:
"name":"ACME Store",
How to create Vendor project and assign it to global Marketplace account:§
API Endpoint:
Method: POST
Parameters: | Name | Example | Description |
is_vendor | true | ||
application_key | $applicationKey | The key of application to which Vendor project will be mapped | |
vendor_settings[commission_percentage] | 95 | Vendor’s commission. In example Vendor gets 95% of commission, and Marketplace gets 5% | |
vendor_settings[commission_fixed] | 0 | Fixed commission you want to charge your Vendor per product sold | |
vendor_settings[currency_code] | USD | Choose currency, when ‘commission_fixed’ is not ‘0' | |
vendor_settings[commission_base] | net | ‘net’ is by default for now. Take your commission after payment system fees are deducted. | |
vendor_settings[commission_scope] | all | ‘all’ is by default for now | |
vendor_settings[payout_handler] | pw | ‘pw’ is by default for now |
Sample Request:
curl -X POST \ \
-F access_token=0b422057958e163c8e9b00569b05982548d44157 \
-F version=1 \
-F name= Vendor Project \
-F url= \
-F pingback_url= \
-F is_vendore=true \
-F application_key=9313ea769dffcbbc60f4665820c6a5b9 \
-F 'vendor_settings[commission_percentage]=95' \
-F 'vendor_settings[commission_fixed]=0' \
-F 'vendor_settings[currency_code]=USD' \
-F 'vendor_settings[commission_base]=net' \
-F 'vendor_settings[commission_scope]=all' \
-F 'vendor_settings[payout_handler]=pw'
Sample Response:
"name":"Vendor Project”,
"api_type":"Digital Goods \/ Subscriptions \/ One-Time Payments”,
"status":"Set up is not finished”,