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Invoice API§

Create Invoice§

  • API Endpoint:
  • HTTP method: POST
  • Header: X-ApiKey: [YOUR_SECRET_KEY]
  • Sample data:
            "company_name":"ABCD Industries",
            "city":"Palo Alto",
            "address":"326 Market Street",
            "note":"This will show on your Invoice"
            "title":"Red apple",
            "description":"Fresh apples",
            "title":"Green apple",
            "description":"Fresh apples",
            "name":"VAT EU"
            "name":"USA NATIONAL TAX"
            "name":"1 000 000 user discount"



Parameter Required Type Description
invoice_number yes string Official Invoice number based on your paybook
currency yes string Currency code in ISO 4217
date yes string Invoice date in day/month/year format
due_date yes string Invoice due date in day/month/year format
clients yes array Array of your clients
items yes array Array of your Invoice items
taxes no array Array of your Invoice taxes
discounts no array Array of your Invoice discount
key yes string Your application key
sign yes string Your signature based on your invoice params
sign_version yes string version of signature
status no string sent, draft, outstanding, overdue, paid, deleted, cancelled, archived, failed. default: draft
template no integer numeric ID of the invoice template you can set up in Templates section
reference_number no string Your reference number, for example for paid invoices - reference ID of payment


Parameter Required Type Description
email yes string Client email
first_name yes string First name of your client
last_name yes string Last name of your client
company_name no string Company name
salutation no string Mr./Ms./Dr.
title no string Position in company_name
country no string Client country
city no string Client city
address no string Client address
zipcode no string Zip code
phone_number no string Phone number
note no string Internal information about this client


Parameter Required Type Description
quantity yes int Client email
unit_cost yes float First name of your client
currency yes string Currency of your Invoice in ISO 4217 format (Note: Currency of Invoice and Items must be same!)
title yes string Item name
description no string Item description
tax no array Item tax
discount no array Item discount

Tax and Discount of item§

Parameter Required Type Description
type yes string Type of tax/discount. Currently support: percentage
value yes float Value of tax/discount. Example: 10

Tax and Discount of invoice§

Parameter Required Type Description
type yes string Type of tax/discount. Currently support: percentage
value yes float Value of tax/discount. Example: 10 (means 10%)
name yes string Name of your Tax/Discount


curl \
-d '{"invoice_number":"INV-00123","currency":"USD","date":"09/10/2014","due_date":"09/10/2019","contacts":[{"company_name":"ABCD Industries","salutation":"Mr.","first_name":"John","last_name":"Doe","email":"","title":"CEO","country":"US","city":"Palo Alto","address":"326 Market Street","zipcode":"94103","phone_number":"(800)5551000","note":"This will show on your Invoice"}],"items":[{"quantity":20,"title":"Red apple","description":"Fresh apples","unit_cost":2,"currency":"USD","tax":{"type":"percentage","value":"10"},"discount":{"type":"percentage","value":"17"}},{"quantity":10,"title":"Green apple","description":"Fresh apples","unit_cost":2,"currency":"USD","tax":{"type":"percentage","value":"10"},"discount":{"type":"percentage","value":"17"}}],"taxes":[{"type":"percentage","value":"20","name":"VAT EU"},{"type":"percentage","value":"10","name":"USA NATIONAL TAX"}],"discounts":[{"type":"percentage","value":"50","name":"1 000 000 user discount"}],"key":"[YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY]"}'
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