Paymentwall's Kölnification - Willkommen!

22 August 2013 - Thursday
Boarding time: 6pm
Sailing time: 6.30pm – 9pm
Distance from Gamescom:  10min
Hohenzollern Bridge
Left Bank (Rhine)
Ship name: Colonia 6
Paymentwall invites you to an exclusive cruise on the Rhine River Paymentwall style: combining our California roots and the best of Köln's Beer, Sausages, Underberg and of course Dancers... Kölnification style.

Last year we had a really fun time where nobody wanted to leave the boat, this year, we will make sure everybody gets plenty of "conversations" before heading to other events. Don't forget your Baywatch or Miami Vice attire to fit in!
Please RSVP as there is limited space available.
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